get down in a sentence

Get sentences with get down in a sentence.


Get Down Sentence Examples

1. traitor, get down!

2. let's get down to business

3. my gosh, get down, get down.

4. get down from there, fathead.

5. now let's get down to brass tax.

6. I want to get down and dirty today.

7. ("Madman, get down from the roof!")

8. Original name: The Get Down season 2

9. you should get down, under the dash.

10. Get down and dirty in Dalyan, Turkey

11. You can get down from your tree now.

12. Get Down and Dirty at Pussy Chat City

13. Now get down, and scoot to your left,

14. “Petersime, get down here right away!

15. certainly no time to get downhearted.

16. You lose 20 pounds to get down to 5%.

17. Now let us get down to their security.

18. I almost never make the cats get down.

19. The Get Down is a musical drama series.

20. That’s why I practice yoga to get down.

Meaning of Get Down

1. depress or demoralize someone.

2. write something down.

3. swallow food or drink, especially with difficulty.

4. dance energetically.

5. leave the table after a meal.

get down

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