get back-at in a sentence

Get sentences with get back-at in a sentence.


Get Back-at Sentence Examples

1. Now’s your chance to get back at the casino.

2. I wanted to get back at them for what they did

3. You only married her to get back at Selena Gomez.

4. 1) Trying to take revenge and get back at your ex.

5. To get back at me, she sat on every seat in our house.

6. Is he trying to get back at me or giving himself space?

7. It felt good killing some roaches; to get back at them.

8. i will make sure i get back at you for backstabbing me.

9. Don't use the parenting schedule to get back at your ex.

10. I won’t try to get back at him, or be bitter towards him.

11. He has the perfect opportunity to get back at them tomorrow.

12. Jennifer decides to get back at Charlie by dating the ex-con.

13. I just wanted to get back at those punk bitches who voted me out.

14. 9% of men admit they might have an affair to get back at a spouse.

15. Don’t try to get back at the market when you lose money on a trade.

16. A good way to get back at your parents or assert your independence.

17. 14% of women admit they might have an affair to get back at a spouse.

18. Then comes the chance to get back at that person, or someone similar.

19. Me cheating was a way to get back at him for the awful things he’s do.

20. And it was the children they did abuse to get back at Michael Jackson.

Meaning of Get Back-at

1. take revenge on someone.

get back-at

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