get in a sentence
Get sentences with get in a sentence.
Get Sentence Examples
1. How High Does an Edamame Plant Get?
2. i get all grr.
3. get up, retard.
4. get your purse.
5. get new themes.
6. tam, get in now!
7. don't get cocky.
8. i can't get out!
9. a get-out clause
10. to get to wonky.
11. and get a duvet.
12. get where, maha?
13. i'll get it out.
14. get a wriggle on!
15. get off! get off!
16. easy to get help.
17. peggy gets a job.
18. you all get hugs.
19. so we get hickey.
20. get me some jams.
Meaning of Get
1. come to have (something); receive.
2. succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain.
3. reach or cause to reach a specified state or condition.
4. come, go, or make progress eventually or with some difficulty.
5. see have.
6. catch or apprehend (someone).
7. understand (an argument or the person making it).
8. acquire (knowledge) by study; learn.
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