get cracking in a sentence
Get sentences with get cracking in a sentence.
Get Cracking Sentence Examples
1. Long-Term Care Awareness Month 2012: Let's Get Cracking
2. most tickets have been snapped up, so get cracking if you want one
3. I often play their slots as well; especially Get Cracking and Trolling for Treasure.
4. We have been given some tools of inspiration and determination, and we need to get cracking.
5. This Arduino project could be a first step in the development of your own local weather station, get cracking!
6. Get cracking on it today…the truth is that you’re probably more knowledgeable now anyway and can write it up fast.
7. Sometimes you want to be told that you are capable and to get cracking, working on the room that needs it the most.
8. Instead of asking them 20 questions, you just let them get cracking and watch them – that’s how you can learn the most.
9. Some sites like Sponsored tweets just need you to have 50 followers and 100 tweets, most casual users will have this, or more, so get cracking.
10. That may seem like a long time to you or me, but for the carriers and network equipment makers at Mobile World Congress, it’s time to get cracking.
11. The minute we reach our funding target we'll get cracking, and we're preparing as much as possible in the meantime to manufacture quickly after funding.
12. And for those bigger goals—say running a 10K or losing 10 pounds—consider talking to a trainer or physician to get cracking on a more specific master plan.
13. Of course, if I don't want to have to do more fascia repair, I need to get cracking on repainting the "good" fascia and soffitt, so that they don't deteriorate, too!
14. Allard evaluated the situation and was smart enough to realize that it wouldn’t last forever, and that he’d better get cracking on a new and better car before things changed.
15. In short though, I’ve met a few ex-pats who have ended up staying in Australia and want to get cracking on building up their balances here, and there are a couple of levels of things to consider.
16. But let's get cracking with the actual topic: In application transformation, companies are pursuing two extreme directions... and, of course, as always in IT, there is a large grey area in between.
17. As a prelude to the implementation of your own projects, it provides much inspiration, offers examples from individuals who simply get cracking and do it, and testifies to the power of the community.
18. Whether you celebrate World Egg Day every year, or this will be your first time, make sure that this year on Friday 11th October, you get cracking and help to make this World Egg Day the biggest and the best ever.
19. On 30 July 762, after the royal astrologers had declared this the most auspicious date for building work to begin, Mansur offered up a prayer to Allah, laid the ceremonial first brick and ordered the assembled workers to get cracking.
Meaning of Get Cracking
1. act quickly and decisively.
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