get across in a sentence

Get sentences with get across in a sentence.


Get Across Sentence Examples

1. your meaning didn't really get across

2. Was it difficult to get across the border?

3. Somehow he must work to get across the river.

4. They had to get across the red sea in one night.

5. what did you have to do to get across that hurdle?

6. Her words, no matter how sincere, do not get across.

7. That's the message that will get across to Americans.

8. How quickly can all four people get across the bridge?

9. The king said, "How did the spirit get across the water?

10. Can they all get across the bridge in 15 minutes or less?

11. Get across the river without scaring the little ones away!

12. Interviewer: It's such an important message to get across.

13. we can beat the thaw and get across the ice back to the ship.

14. But all kinds of orders can get across the 1,000-calorie line.

15. And I think it’s a message he tried to get across to us often.

16. Germany the preferred investment target across all asset classes

17. How many of these chickens can you get across this busy highway?

18. When the river is high it is even more difficult [to get across].

19. Ways that Katrina was worse, in ways that are hard to get across:

20. Are we trying to get across to this world that God is omniscient?

Meaning of Get Across

1. (of an idea) be communicated clearly.

get across

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