sub contract in a sentence

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Sub Contract Sentence Examples

1. They may need to sub contract work or they may have jobs for you!

2. In 1997 we developed the first gaming solution, acting as a sub contractor to one of today’s competitors.

3. Of course some Fiche S had access to the nuclear installations via sub contractors” deputy Saulignac said.

4. “The investigations on French sub contractors who work inside the nuclear centres are good, but on the foreign sub contractors, the results are very worrying.

5. 1)The cheapest yearly premium starts at $3,800 (non Structural work, 0% Sub contracting, 2 employees including yourself, new business, and $1,000,000 coverage).

6. The long delays, sudden changes of sub contractors, and foggy excuses were their way of juggling their commitments to keep themselves afloat for as long as possible.

7. 2)The second cheapest yearly premium ranges between 6-$7,000 (Structural work, 0% Sub contracting, 2 employees including yourself, new business, and $1,000,000 coverage).

8. 3)Finally, the third cheapest yearly premium is close to mid $20,000 (Structural work, some Sub contracting, 2 employees including yourself, new business, and $1,000,000 coverage).

Meaning of Sub Contract

1. employ a firm or person outside one's company to do (work) as part of a larger project.

sub contract

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