sub continent in a sentence

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Sub Continent Sentence Examples

1. Goa is a dream, a unique community in the south of the sub continent.

2. Again it is popular among Americans and in rural areas of sub continent.

3. An example is the where the Indian sub continent collides with the Asian continent.

4. Visiting the Indian Spice Shop will greatly improve your chances of cooking proper sub continental food at home.

5. With a ratio of one Patient Care Manager to 5 patients our patient care standards are unmatched across the sub continent. .

6. The history of this astonishing sub continent dates back to almost 75,000 years ago with the evidence of human activity of Homo sapiens.

7. Did we hear anything about that nuisance of European refugees, millions of them, many illegal, that have descended in the last decades on Southeast Asia, East Africa, Latin America, and even Sub Continent?

Meaning of Sub Continent

1. a large distinguishable part of a continent, such as North America or the part of Asia containing India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

sub continent

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