sub conscious in a sentence

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Sub Conscious Sentence Examples

1. In a split second of sub conscious awareness and a huge boom, everything changed.

2. It is the sub conscious mind which is responsible for our key actions and responses.

3. Since it is the programming of the sub conscious mind which we are interested in to improve in our favor.

4. When a guy likes you he will sometimes intentionally and sometimes sub consciously make physical contact with you.

5. Much of the old belief systems need to be released, preconditioned ideas erased from our sub consciousness so that a new set of universal laws can be instituted.

6. This is simply because the person concerned worked at the surface and did not attempt to take it deeper to the inner mind (the unconscious and sub conscious mind) – which is 80% of the mind.

Meaning of Sub Conscious

1. of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings.

sub conscious

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