sub class in a sentence

Get sentences with sub class in a sentence.


Sub Class Sentence Examples

1. again both of these categories are divided into sub classes.

2. Some categories like online slots might have sub classifications.

3. The first comment is inline to explain why we are hiding all the .sub classes.

4. First, create a new instance of the GcmPubSub class using its getInstance method.

5. 1) Factory Pattern - Assume, you have one super class and N number of sub classes.

6. At that time period, I did not realize that alcohol abuse actually was a sub classification of drug ...

7. At that time period, I did not realize that alcohol abuse actually was a sub classification of drug abuse.

8. To specify suitability of the music source provided to the user, the above sub classification is effective.

9. ° Quick Change System: Using Exchange Points (EP), players can instantly swap between a Main Class and Sub Class at any time – even in battle.

10. In the industrial countries the middle classes are being ravaged economically, and a permanent sub class of unemployed—modern pariahs—has been formed.

11. The java.lang.ClassLoader is an abstract class that can be sub classed by applications that need to extend the manner in which the JVM dynamically loads classes.

12. It is important to note that the small business is registered for the provision of accommodation services (as defined in Section I, sub classes 55201 or 55204 of the Portuguese classification of economic activities).

Meaning of Sub Class

1. a secondary or subordinate class.

sub class

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