deedee in a sentence
Get sentences with deedee in a sentence.
Deedee Sentence Examples
1. This post was co-authored by DeeDee and Deb.
2. Oh, Deedee, the hottest woman I saw in all my years here.
3. About Pulisic Siblings: Pulisic has a loving sister called DeeDee.
4. So she and Deedee pushed their very influential tribal weight around,” Ward said.
5. Plus, there may be a new member joining the family very soon – an object nicknamed ‘DeeDee’.
6. Those wicked cockroaches ‐ Joey, Deedee and Marky have attempted to empty Oggy’s refrigerator!
7. Soon, he and his pal Aitch, together with their wives Deedee and Jackie, are being threatened by a human boulder, Don Logan.
8. Thus, names such as Katy, Deedee, and Tike are ones that a dog will often recognize and respond to faster than Fern, Shana, or Merl.
9. He would be the happiest of cats if three hideous cockroaches hadn’t decided to settle inside his comfortable home: JOEY, DEEDEE, and MARKY.
10. Young Pulisic grew up in Pennsylvania enjoying the loving company of both parents alongside his sister DeeDee and a step-brother whom little is known about.
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