deed in a sentence
Get sentences with deed in a sentence.
Deed Sentence Examples
1. doing good deeds
2. sale deed document.
3. action, deed, gullet.
4. praise their good deeds.
5. do not destroy any deeds.
6. contract and deed drafting.
7. this is not a lawyer's deed.
8. no good deed goes unrewarded.
9. let us love“ in deed and truth”.
10. he changed his name by deed poll
11. you ought to consider your deeds.
12. pirates and their dastardly deeds
13. Would you ever do the deed outside?
14. Not words they remember, and deeds.
15. I said: ‘Because of my good deeds’.
16. Save me from pharaoh and his deeds!
17. His deeds are beyond comprehension.
18. Or does that cheapen the good deed?
19. "But by their deeds they deny Him."
20. Deeds by themselves are never love.
Meaning of Deed
1. an action that is performed intentionally or consciously.
2. a legal document that is signed and delivered, especially one regarding the ownership of property or legal rights.
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