deed poll in a sentence
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Deed Poll Sentence Examples
1. he changed his name by deed poll
2. Change of Name Certificate (Deed Poll)
3. The execution of your Change of Name Deed (Deed Poll)
4. One of the witnesses on the first Deed Poll was Elliot Szarvas, known friend of Alex Green’s.
5. But you might need a ‘deed poll’ to apply for or to change official documents like your passport or driving licence.
6. His parents have had his name changed to a girl’s by deed poll, and the boy is now preparing for hormone treatment and eventual surgery.
7. These claims were also followed by two leaked Deed Polls, possibly used as evidence that a man named Ryan Gentle changed his name to Ryan Kennedy.
8. We do not currently know of any jurisdiction where Deed Polls are not recognised but encourage you to do your research in your country of residence.
9. In the United Kingdom, a document called a deed poll becomes legal proof of a person’s new name, but past documents such as birth certificates cannot be changed.
10. for instance, in the uk where the rules are a little less nebulous than, say, the united states, the official website of the deed poll office explains to readers that.
Meaning of Deed Poll
1. a legal deed made and executed by one party only, especially to formalize a change of a person's name.
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