deeded in a sentence
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Deeded Sentence Examples
1. they deeded their property to their children
2. In 1961, the last four members deeded the land to the state.
3. So what about the land that God deeded to us as an inheritance?!
4. Some other Cherokees living on their own deeded land also were able to stay.
5. Today heaven has been deeded to us, for of the Lord's Kingdom there shall be no end.
6. He had already (in 1863) deeded the house "Willowbank" (later named "Whitehern") to Isaac.
7. The Sand Dollar #9 is directly across the street from the beach with private, deeded beach access.
8. For Aulani fixed weeks, interval owners have the exclusive right to use their deeded week and unit.
9. None of the children married and, in 1959, the house "Whitehern" was deeded to the City of Hamilton.
10. Deeded private parks is similar to open space, but it is not connected with an association necessarily.
11. Most American timeshares are deeded, which means they receive similar treatment to that of real estate.
12. It wasn’t until their deaths in the ‘70s that their house and its contents were deeded to the historical society.
13. Stamford, deeded in 1640, is the fourth-largest city in the state of CT, and the eighth largest throughout New England.
14. As you may have noticed, I deeded to widen the stonetrapping holes, as the ring would have been too deep on the finger.
15. After her husband had passed away, she ran his private clinic at Oberer Neubergweg, then deeded it to the University in 1991.
16. His son, Michel, initially had charge of the property, but was unable to maintain it, and deeded it to Académie des Beaux-Arts.
17. She later deeded the Commonwealth Avenue home to her church to be used as the residence of the First Reader of the Mother Church.
18. In 1966 it was deeded to the city of Pasadena in a mutual agreement with the University of Southern California School of Architecture.
19. Deeded ownership can be as complex as outright property ownership in that the structure of deeds vary according to local property laws.
20. And then, if all goes according to plan, after seven years, the home and land on which it sits are deeded to the tenant, mortgage free.
Meaning of Deeded
1. convey or transfer (property or rights) by legal deed.
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