set phrase in a sentence
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Set Phrase Sentence Examples
1. Use various structures and vocabulary with more set phrases and idioms.
2. Only the presentative set phrase c'est "he/she/it is" remains unchanged.
3. That is just how everyone says it, and they say it habitually, so it becomes a set phrase.
4. Once the vocabulary has gone to long-term memory, you can answer simple questions and use single words and set phrases.
5. While ‘exceed’ is not used often outside of set phrases, as there are more common synonyms for it, it is used more of the time.
6. The Hello does its job well, notifying you when someone is at the door and allowing you to talk to them or play a preset phrase.
7. This makes you feel like you are wasting your time trapped in a suffocating, never-ending list of socially acceptable set phrases.
8. All of our recommendations and decisions are thus: well-founded and justified; our thoughts and language: without set phrases and without pink elephants.
9. I can almost tell, in set phrase, what they will say when they see Tabor, Nazareth, Jericho and Jerusalem — because I have the books they will “smouch” their ideas from.
10. Then, complete the phrase, using your own words or one of Facebook’s preset phrases, such as Thinking about > Someone special, Watching > Wonder Woman, or Playing > Basketball.
11. Each page of the contract is to be initialled by all parties and the last page is to be provided with the complete name and the mandatory set phrase „lu et approuvé, bon pour achat“.
12. It is perhaps this very multiplicity of possible references which belittles this slogan – a set phrase typical of politicians – and thus places it in stark contrast to its own monumental form.
13. Soldiers of the Bundeswehr therefore each decide for themselves, in a very personal way, whether Innere Führung is just a set phrase or whether it happens to them every day in whatever form – in other words, whether it is an integral part of their professional lives.
Meaning of Set Phrase
1. an unvarying phrase having a specific meaning, such as ‘raining cats and dogs’, or being the only context in which a word appears, for example ‘amends’ in ‘make amends’.
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