set back in a sentence
Get sentences with set back in a sentence.
Set Back Sentence Examples
1. He wants his clock set back to zero!!
2. this incident undoubtedly set back research
3. One that is based on varied asset backings.
4. The blinds are set back in the finals as usual.
5. This was a serious set back for the Russian plans.
6. Set back a few hours if you walk through a few areas.
7. The system PIN is set back to the original code 0000.
8. Your system will then be reset back to the chosen SRP.
9. This set back is a great lesson about ages and stages.
10. No, those are some of the things that caused set back.
11. Passengers can even set back their seat and have a nap.
12. Another set back to Barrow is the thawing of ice roads.
13. UN says war has set back Yemen’s development by 20 years
14. In 2016 we achieved our efficiency goal set back in 2008.
15. 'Stuxnet virus set back Iran’s nuclear program by 2 years'
16. As a result, this could set back his training considerably.
17. Every failure of mine will set back AA work to that extent.
18. I am now feeling like the clock has been set back 20 years.
19. The house is set back from the A28 which has a 30 MPH limit.
20. one severe drought would set back development work for years.
Meaning of Set Back
1. delay or impede the progress of someone or something.
2. (of a purchase) cost someone a particular amount of money.
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