set out in a sentence

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Set Out Sentence Examples

1. The Swiss set out clear conditions.

2. He set out to help the driver first.

3. Don't just set out to do a good job.

4. We never set out to kill these games.

5. And then set out to do it,” he added.

6. the principles set out in Article 34;

7. [34] As set out in CoP10 Decision X/3.

8. "In 2005, we set out to map the world.

9. Does EU law set out minimum standards?

10. Sampa has set out two routes to reform.

11. Our position has been set out clearly.”

12. They set out to destroy men in general.

13. (a)the principles set out in Article 29;

14. The Swiss man set out his claim cleanly.

15. We have set out our alternative clearly.

16. McDonald has set out her political plans.

17. We will set out tomorrow; Allah willing."

18. Art Revisited has set out 'data sharing';

19. Toyota set out to redefine the new Camry.

20. So he set out to raise funds for the boy.

Meaning of Set Out

1. begin a journey.

2. arrange or display something in a particular order or position.

set out

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