veterans day in a sentence
Get sentences with veterans day in a sentence.
Veterans Day Sentence Examples
1. memorial and veterans days.
2. Does the UK celebrate Veterans Day?
3. Does Veterans Day change every year?
4. Why did Veterans Day start for kids?
5. Do other countries have Veterans Day?
6. What do Americans do on Veterans Day?
7. Make a variety of Veterans Day cards.
8. What day is Veterans Day in November?
9. What was Veterans Day called in 1919?
10. What is another name for Veterans Day?
11. In Europe what is Veterans Day called?
12. veterans day corduroy appreciation day.
13. What was Veterans Day originally called?
14. When did Congress establish Veterans Day?
15. Wallace said, “But this is Veterans Day.”
16. Is Veterans Day only celebrated in the US?
17. Is Veterans Day also for current military?
18. Are public schools closed on Veterans Day?
19. Why was November 11 chosen for Veterans Day?
20. Veterans Day is all about the number eleven.
Meaning of Veterans Day
1. (in the US) a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of the First World War (11 November) to honour US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.
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