vetch in a sentence

Get sentences with vetch in a sentence.


Vetch Sentence Examples

1. Samuel Vetch first proposed a similar expedition in 1708.

2. home > products > lupin/linseed/vetch seed cleaning machine.

3. What Is Woollypod Vetch – Learn About Growing Woollypod Vetch

4. Vicia cracca L., or mouse vetch, grows in the USA and Eurasia.

5. Eric Vetch, also on Facebook, said he kissed a girl when he was 6.

6. Removing crown vetch can be difficult once it has become established.

7. Woody pod vetch is super hardy and robust and helps eliminate weeds by crowding them out.

8. Briefly he advised work to everyone, and was being living example to everyone by growing up wheat, barley, vetch.

9. the a. propinquus is an asian flowering plant, mainly found in asia, which is also known as astragalus membranceus, mongolian milk vetch root or huang qi.

10. They provide nutrients to the soil (especially if you dig them into the bed in spring), reduce erosion, and (in the cas of vetch and clover) fix nitrogen in your soil.

Meaning of Vetch

1. a widely distributed scrambling herbaceous plant of the pea family, which is cultivated as a silage or fodder crop.


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