veteran's in a sentence
Get sentences with veteran's in a sentence.
Veteran's Sentence Examples
1. Veteran's Day is for the Rest of Us
2. The Amazing Fix - The Veteran's House
3. My job was to park the veteran's cars.
4. Veteran's War Wounds Cut Deep Into Family
5. How Chronic Pain Affects a Veteran's Life
6. in the us, 22 veteran's commit suicide each day!
7. VGLI premiums are based solely on the veteran's age.
8. A Veteran's Tour From Tragedy to Triumph: Brandon's Story
9. If you are a veteran, check with the Veteran's Administration.
10. Woodland Veteran's Memorial Park is two blocks north of Main street.
11. Veteran's Day is this Friday, and in fact, November is Veteran's Month.
12. This veteran's benefit will contribute to the expenses of an organ transplant.
13. This Veteran's Job Was Discharging Gay Sailors In The Navy — But He Had A Secret
14. More details, including acceptable documentation available on the Veteran's page.
15. The Inn of the Patriots also appeared on Veteran's Day of 2016 as a prize on the wheel!
16. Murray voted against the war in Iraq but now chairs the committee on veteran's affairs.
17. What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Veteran's Affairs Grants for Home Improvements?
18. Peace of mind when Home and Community Based Services can no longer meet all the Veteran's needs
19. Executive Law § 369 was amended to include Chapter 17-A, known as the Veteran's Employment Act.
20. If a veteran's disability benefits change, tax returns filed for prior years may also need to change.
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