tweaks in a sentence
Get sentences with tweaks in a sentence.
Tweaks Sentence Examples
1. little tweaks go a long way.
2. some server tweaks you can do.
3. other design tweaks are also needed.
4. between brands it is network tweaks.
5. Make thousands of other design tweaks
6. Giant Tweaks and Adds to its '11 Line
7. vps tweaks to improve web performance.
8. tweaks plugin css removal priority.
9. The next chapter is called Shell Tweaks.
10. More than 300 tweaks compatible with iOS 10
11. Windows Tweaks and Advice of Doubtful Value
12. note: same tweaks it started mtp to date 6.
13. Google+ 8.4 with small but fine design tweaks
14. Snowden offers some tweaks to improve Twitter
15. 7 best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 9.3.3 this week
16. Fix your Wi-Fi: Free tweaks and major overhauls
17. these tweaks are often called“registry hacks.”.
18. Technically no Surprises, but Interesting Tweaks
19. youtube announced some other tweaks today as well.
20. 12 new and updated tweaks for iOS 10, which is set
Meaning of Tweaks
1. twist or pull (something) sharply.
2. improve (a mechanism or system) by making fine adjustments to it.
3. become or cause to become agitated or excited, typically from taking amphetamines or another stimulant.
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