tweaked in a sentence
Get sentences with tweaked in a sentence.
Tweaked Sentence Examples
1. he tweaked the boy's ear
2. tweaked the plan a little?
3. i tweaked the plan a little.
4. Atomic Weights Tweaked for 5 Elements
5. Or rather, borrowed and neatly tweaked.
6. TWEAKED: Increased Grenade Damage in PvE
7. It’s like “normal” Ubuntu, but tweaked for Netbooks.
8. Could this policy be tweaked for geopolitical purposes?
9. I tried different methods and tweaked things until Ta-Da!
10. So Keurig tweaked the pitch: “Great coffee, made simply.”
11. Through the help of one of his contacts, he tweaked his idea.
12. From there, it was tweaked and open-sourced as its own JS API.
13. tweaked php-fpm configuration to increase max_packet_size.
14. I tend to use ‘Tweaked for Desktop’ but your mileage may vary.
15. The 556xi’s recoil has been tweaked to make it easier to control.
16. Even the most successful programs can afford to be tweaked a bit.
17. And then another iteration with a tweaked design in January 2018.
18. It can also be tweaked to be more G-spot friendly, says Hirschman.
19. Even the words you use every day could be tweaked for a 10x result.
20. 2) Difficulty levels will be tweaked for both new and old campaigns.
Meaning of Tweaked
1. twist or pull (something) sharply.
2. improve (a mechanism or system) by making fine adjustments to it.
3. become or cause to become agitated or excited, typically from taking amphetamines or another stimulant.
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