tehillim in a sentence

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Tehillim Sentence Examples

1. "Tehillim" is also contracted to "tillim" (Aramaic, "tillin").

2. Tehillah is also the singular of the name of the book in Hebrew, Tehillim.

3. There is no fixed meter or metric pattern in Tehillim, as there is in my earlier music.

4. Another tradition for the study during the night of Shavout prefers reading the book tehillim, the Psalms.

5. He could have stayed in the luxury of the palace and sufficed with saying a few chapters of Tehillim for his brethren.

6. 57a), the Sefer Tehillim is regarded as a second Pentateuch, whose virtual composer was David, often likened to Moses (Midr.

7. Here, she has initiated interreligious choral projects such as a trialogical choral project based on the Queen of Sheba or the series „Tehillim-Psalms: in dialogue“.

8. There are those who question the value of this division, however, on the ground, first, that the title of the book itself in the Hebrew, (Sepher Tehillim), is singular rather than plural.


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