teh in a sentence
Get sentences with teh in a sentence.
Teh Sentence Examples
1. teh wrote: how embarrassing!
2. TEH-Tube is a large interdisciplinary project.
3. The Tao is one, and the Teh but a phase thereof.
4. And when we heard teh guidance, we believed in it.
5. Nobody made me do it,'" Katehakis told Live Science.
6. Teh Dar: Vietnamese Tribal Culture at Saigon Opera House
7. Albert Teh (Malaysia) is a founding member of OM Malaysia.
8. I’ve since come to learn TEH MUSCLE GAINZ aren’t that easy.
9. So again I remain on teh fence about its factual reliability.”
10. The term Istiqamah has been used in teh Qur’an in many verses.
11. The first word that was ever auto-corrected was “teh” to “the”.
12. Chu Teh-I: Artist, Founder of Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts/Taipei
13. Despite rain might be better for uns, I want teh race to be dry.
14. But what makes teh tarik or "pulled tea" special is how it's mixed.
15. Because a mechanism could really convince me that HFCS is TEH EVILZ.
16. In Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia, they enjoy ‘teh tarik' tea.
17. You deserve to hear it straight from teh source - a current customer.
18. From the Tao Teh Ching we learn that in the beginning was the All — Tao.
19. "Victory was life," said P'eng Teh-huai; "defeat was certain death."” <|>
20. Project Leader of teh BKM-Project: "The Rubensohn-Library of Elephantine.
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