porc in a sentence
Get sentences with porc in a sentence.
Porc Sentence Examples
1. 'Other things in the world are white but for me porcelain comes first.'
2. Everyone knew him as le porc because of his size and because he sweated so much.
3. In fact, he laughs, "Around here, another word for 'deck' is 'future screened porch.'"
4. The key words for Porc-Ex are quality, flexibility, personal contact and delivery on time.
5. To Greta's surprise and amusement, Brahms is a porcelain doll, treated like a living child by his 'parents.'
6. I'm still like, 'I still wanna be on the porch with you when I'm 80, but I really need you to get out of my face right now.'
7. Try out the fantastic meals in Cafe 57 Restaurant, Stand Restaurant, Hungarikum Bizstro, Porc & Prezli Budapest and many more.
8. “My mantra is to wake up the morning and say, ‘This is going to be the best day of my life,'” Porchon-Lynch told the Huffington Post in May.
9. Pastelaria garcia avenue de la couronne 75: "Incredible pasteis de nata, small sandwiches with porc and slightly sweet mustard, good coffee"
10. The Greek goddess Athena, acting as protector of the Greeks, punished Laocoon for his interference by having him and his two sons attacked by the giant sea serpents Porces and Chariboea.
11. "During that whole episode, I felt that all of Building 264 became the starship Enterprise," Porco said, "and we had just come upon this alien world, and we were reading the signals from it, and we were hovering over it just like they do on 'Star Trek.'"
12. 'Their robes and capots are ornamented with several bunches of leather strings garnished with porcupine quills of different colours, the ends of which are hung with beaver claws.'[17] This is the only information I have found regarding fringes on capots prior to 1821.
13. The more intellectual and abstract English is, the more it contains Latin and French influences e.g. swine (like the Germanic schwein) is the animal in the field bred by the occupied Anglo-Saxons and pork (like the French porc) is the animal at the table eaten by the occupying Normans.
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