poral in a sentence
Get sentences with poral in a sentence.
Poral Sentence Examples
1. The term, ' corporal punishment' means ' physical punishment'.
2. 'Many perceptual stimuli in our environment could be described as temporal sequences.'
3. I still haven't decided whether to ask Sub-Commander T'Pol about this 'Temporal Cold War.'
4. The consequences have been disastrous: the interim particle poral RZ-800, stabilizer of the Earth orbit, has been catapulted into the past.
5. St. Paul sighed in his heart and said to himself, 'What do I have to do then with all the money of this temporal world which I shall leave naked?'
6. "This allows us to place constraints on when and where in our galaxy life had the required elements to evolve, a sort of 'temporal galactic habitable zone.'"
7. As logical and beneficial as crash-dieting may seem for that 'quick fix,' there are a myriad of reasons why this temporal and exhausting form of weight control is a bad idea.
8. The Brexit negotiations are stuck in a temporal paradox – on the one hand, time is running out for the British and the EU-27, while on the other hand, the handling of Brexit will continue well into the 2020s.
9. In addition to, Contrary to the neo-gnostic vision of "a purely inner salvation", "the Church is a visible community: in it we touch the flesh of Jesus, in a singular way in the most poor and suffering brethren " [place] through "the corporal and spiritual works of mercy ' [n.14].
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