phimosis in a sentence
Get sentences with phimosis in a sentence.
Phimosis Sentence Examples
1. phimosis: causes in men.
2. phimosis acquired at birth,
3. phimosis is common in children.
4. Now you know the signs of phimosis.
5. Phimosis and Paraphimosis in Children
6. In young children, phimosis is normal.
7. That's when many boys develop phimosis.
8. Phimosis in a child: how is it treated?
9. share the following stages of phimosis:.
10. But how to treat phimosis with this tool?
11. Phimosis and diabetes are the exceptions.
12. The last option is necessary for phimosis.
13. It is not used if the patient has phimosis.
14. The process may be complicated by phimosis.
15. thus, the signs of phimosis are eliminated.
16. a) Prevention of paraphimosis and phimosis.
17. Phimosis in adult men on the photo material:
18. The difference lies in the type of phimosis.
19. The other category is the pathologic phimosis.
20. Which doctor treats phimosis - go to the surgeon
Meaning of Phimosis
1. a congenital narrowing of the opening of the foreskin so that it cannot be retracted.
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