phia in a sentence
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Phia Sentence Examples
2. Participation in the Philips Innovation Award (PHIA)
3. "I can only say, 'I am so sorry, Sophia, '" Huffman said.
4. As Phia knew a friend living close to Moscow, we met her at this day.
5. Sophia Bush on loving her raspy voice: 'Why would I want to change it?'
6. Do you think it could not stretch from here to Philadelphia or New York?'
7. Continue reading “Participation in the Philips Innovation Award (PHIA)” »
8. Scouts discovered two unusually intelligent Phytonides - The sisters Maasa and Phia.
9. Rejection of the Orion Message of “Philadelphia” by Uniting with the World Religions
10. Nasty Gal CEO Sophia Amoruso: 'Wisdom is Earned Through Experience, Particularly Mistakes.'
11. Against the Philadelphia 76ers, he had to be in the spring of 2013 ' Career High' with 19 points.
12. That’s why I opened the shop,' says Jasmine, owner of Spirited Tattooing Coalition in Philadelphia.
13. It's not like he can hide - as soon as Sophia can use the internet she can find out who her dad is.'
14. Rejection of the Orion Message of “Philadelphia” by Uniting with the World Religions October 18, 2015
15. The homestay of a family in Phia Thap is the end of an eventful day for a small group of travellers. © Helvetas
16. The natural incense sticks from Phia Thap are popular, they are an important source of income for the village. © Helvetas
17. It originated from the Harpweeks in The Netherlands, organized by Phia Berghout and Maria Korchinska, that first met in 1960.
18. All 50 families of Phia Thap are involved in the production of incense sticks, even travelers can try their hand at it. © Helvetas
19. During Rilke’s early years Phia acted as if she sought to recover the lost girl through the boy by dressing him in girl’s clothing.
20. The relationship between Phia and her only son was colored by her mourning for an earlier child, a daughter who had died only one week old.
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