phial in a sentence

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Phial Sentence Examples

1. a phial of blood

2. The original Phial was made from this snow.

3. Among the different objects on display are several phials from the extraordinary Storp collection.

4. Police discovered many phials of poison when they searched Dondoglio's rooms, but never apprehended him.

5. Do we really need numerous cosmetics in plastic tubes, phials and jars, in some cases even twice or threefold?

6. Two empty phials with Morphiumsulfat and Atropinsulfat written on them were found on the floor next to his bed."

7. After 40 days, the phial’s contents will be black; after seven more days, small grainy bodies like fish eyes are supposed to appear.

8. This plant was originally transported to Kew in phials of clean water and arrived in February 1849, after several prior attempts to transport seeds and roots had failed.

9. And although the same thing recurs in the phials, still it is not said as if it occurred twice, but because what is decreed by the Lord to happen shall be once for all; for this cause it is said twice.

Meaning of Phial

1. a small cylindrical glass bottle, typically used for medical samples or for potions or medicines.


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