pelagians in a sentence

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Pelagians Sentence Examples

1. It is not a personal crime, objected the Pelagians.

2. He has other ways. … Some of [the seminarians] are Pelagians.

3. The explanation of the Pelagians differs from that of St. Paul.

4. He compares this erroneous view with the teaching of the Pelagians.

5. You face the insinuations of the Pelagians and the semi-Pelagians."

6. And if I am not mistaken, you make the Pelagians to be of this opinion.

7. 7) Those who say all things are possible with grace are really Pelagians: …

8. It became clear that Pope Francis holds the forces of tradition for "Pelagians".

9. Purification is painful; bourgeois Pelagians in the clergy and in the laity will be burned away.

10. The ramifications of his debates with the Donatists and the Pelagians are still felt to this day.

11. They are, in two words, the modern “Gnostics” and “Pelagians,” a current version of these two ancient heresies.

12. This council also briefly affirmed the condemnation of the Pelagians (see local Council of Carthage, A.D. 416).

13. Francis denounced new traditional religious orders as “Pelagians,” who want a return to asceticism and penance.

14. After the condemnation of Pelagians and Semipelagians, Monothelites, and Adoptians, the dogmatic circle was closed.

15. We also condemn the Pelagians who assert that an evil man has sufficient free will to do the good that is commanded.

16. We also condemn the Pelagians, who assert that an evil man has sufficient free will to do the good that is commanded.

17. About Gaul we are told that a synod, held probably at Troyes in 429, was compelled to take steps against the Pelagians.

18. The term, nevertheless, was not a happy choice, because the so-called semi-Pelagians wanted to be anything but half-Pelagians.

19. The Pelagians responded with the first and this corresponds to all those who reduce the Christian Event to moral exhortations.

20. How then could the Pelagians, and at a later period Zwingli, say that St. Paul speaks only of the transmission of physical death?

Meaning of Pelagians

1. a person who believes in the theological doctrine of Pelagius, especially its denial of the doctrines of original sin and predestination, and defence of innate human goodness and free will.


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