pelagian in a sentence

Get sentences with pelagian in a sentence.


Pelagian Sentence Examples

1. Last traces of Pelagianism (429-529)

2. One, is the temptation Pelagian, that

3. This mistranslation would be Pelagianism.)

4. this can be affirmed by none but a Pelagian

5. Here he was not Pelagian, as some have thought.

6. Pelagianism continued to find support in Britain

7. It is not a personal crime, objected the Pelagians.

8. Pelagianism quickly spread, especially around Carthage.

9. It is not only expressed in the term "Neo-Pelagianism".

10. Other than Pelagianism: Here we are right in pantheism!

11. He has other ways. … Some of [the seminarians] are Pelagians.

12. The explanation of the Pelagians differs from that of St. Paul.

13. Theologians often describe Pelagianism as a form of naturalism.

14. You really can't miss us if you know the name "Wakatobi/Pelagian"!

15. But to fight for Pelagianism now meant to fight against Augustine.

16. He compares this erroneous view with the teaching of the Pelagians.

17. You face the insinuations of the Pelagians and the semi-Pelagians."

18. Almost a century later, Wales was the centre of Pelagian intrigues.

19. The rest of Pelagianism flows from this central thought of freedom.

20. To this period is ascribed his authorship of six Pelagian documents.

Meaning of Pelagian

1. a person who believes in the theological doctrine of Pelagius, especially its denial of the doctrines of original sin and predestination, and defence of innate human goodness and free will.


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