natalist in a sentence

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Natalist Sentence Examples

1. I can’t disagree with the anti-natalists on most points.

2. I wish I'd never been born: the rise of the anti-natalists

3. Samuel’s anti-natalist page is followed by nearly 400 people.

4. Anti-Natalist Movement: ‘I Wish I’d Never Been Born’ – Kindly Wake The Hell Up

5. Another anti-natalist project is Thriving Together, a UN-backed campaign involving over 150 NGOs.

6. the anti-natalist lobby decries the fact that humanity has become all too successful at reproducing itself

7. Finally, with our anti-natalist culture we are also depriving young married couples of the few years they have to beget children.

8. Anti-natalists, however, believe that procreation has always been and always will be wrong because of life’s inevitable suffering.

9. “With our anti-natalist culture we are also depriving young married couples of the few years they have to beget children,” said Westen.

10. And I do not believe that results from the direct influence of anti-natalist or feminist ideology, in which most of them take no interest.

11. They have extreme natalist views that maintain an extremely high birth rate, which results in poverty and hunger among members of the clan.

12. The anti-natalist cause has long been championed by radical environmentalist groups like Earth First! and the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.

13. I have no idea why ethnomasochism is also the basis of anti-natalistic policies that surreptitiously aim to limit the reproduction of European populations.

14. Even many pro-natalists are aware that at least controlled population growth or controlled population reduction might be necessary in order to avoid a catastrophe.

15. In the first place, parents must reject secularized and anti-natalist sex education, which puts God at the margin of life and regards the birth of a child as a threat.

16. Ancient judaism was naturally pro-natalist, but without a central authority dictating orthodox beliefs there has been vigorous debate on the question of birth control.

17. As such, the emphasis of the demographic policy of these countries is not natalist-based[1], but rather one which keeps labor immigration in line with labor market demands.

18. Shouldn’t the free market work, locally and nationally, to lead to policy choices and resource allocation to incentivize pro-natalist policies, to increase the native birthrate?

19. But this policy did not truly bear fruit, and it was more the natalist policy of the State for the nation (financial support for new children, decorations, severe penalties against abortion).[citation needed]

20. What is similar about both anti-natalists and climate activists is they are seeing an increase in attention due to general pessimism about the state of the world, giving both more opportunities to gain support.

Meaning of Natalist

1. A supporter of natalism; one who is in favour of childbearing.


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