natalia in a sentence

Get sentences with natalia in a sentence.


Natalia Sentence Examples

1. A few words with … Natalia Sokolova

2. "Natalia" was actually an FBI agent.

3. Natalia Victorovna, I was possessed!

4. Natalia (Ukraine) and Joe (Germany).

5. What is the name Natalia in astrology

6. Will continue to buy them." - Natalia

7. Natália will get you chairs and table.

8. Natalia Schramm (since September 2007)

9. What makes Natalia so special for you?

10. Natalia has an interest in travelling.

11. Tom Felton and Natalia Tena in Origin.

12. Q. Why was Natalia Estemirova murdered?

13. Natalia Freitas about her artistic talent

14. Our first commercial with Natalia Siwiec!

15. "We shall meet again, Natalia Victorovna.

16. Natalia: “At first the children got sick.

17. A Review of Natalia Ginzburg's ;He and I;

18. The City and the House by Natalia Ginzburg

19. usually from natalia look quite frivolous.

20. You must descend into the arena, Natalia."


Are you looking forward to learning how to use Natalia in a sentence? This tool helps to understand how to use the word Nataliain a sentence. A great way to make sentences of Natalia. Also, learn the meaning of the same word as well.

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