log off in a sentence
Get sentences with log off in a sentence.
Log Off Sentence Examples
1. Can we sleep in a hospital bed to log off?
2. Now it's time to log off and test the new account.
3. I didn’t log off of my computer for the next 12 hours.
4. Then log off at the platform you least use or at least like.
5. The user has not only to log off, but must also switch off PCs.
6. make sure you log off as soon as you've completed your transaction
7. I am going to log off for a moment and see if I can be of assistance…
8. One day he forgot to log off the computer and I looked at his browser.
9. F Always log off properly from Online-Banking (especially on public PCs).
10. You can log off whenever you want, ignore of block people you don't like.
11. A new study reveals how we spend our time when we log off of social media.
12. In his new book, "Log Off," Blake Snow explains how to limit Internet use.
13. d-log offers professional services for your Advertising Material Logistics.
14. So, let’s say you start with $100 at 1 PM, then you could log off with $180 at 2 PM!
15. For all that coming after the sale, d-log offers a complete fulfillment of excellent quality.
16. You will remain logged into those third-party Websites or services until you actively log off.
17. Before I log off, however, I'd like to pass along five lessons that I've learned along the way.
18. And you wouldn’t want to log off your computer every time you have to step away from it, would you?
19. Open positions and pending orders stay in the system even if you log off from your trading platform.
20. Log offers the most flexibility for grading in post, whereas REC709 should offer a quicker turnaround
Meaning of Log Off
1. go through the procedures to conclude use of a computer, database, or system.
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