log line in a sentence

Get sentences with log line in a sentence.


Log Line Sentence Examples

1. The connection to the generator or analyzer of the FX100 is via analog lines.

2. I first received an order confirmation from Deutsche Telekom for the analog line and then, almost three weeks later, another one from T-Online.

3. A complete log line for “Thelma & Louise” might look like: “An Arkansas waitress and a housewife shoot a rapist and take off in a '66 Thunderbird.”

4. Yeah, you just made a boat load of money, but you had to put your name at the end of a movie that's log line might as well be, "Hey, remember that last movie?

5. But if we had to put the whole Cowboys and Indians battle in a Hollywood log line, we’d say the Indians put up a good fight, but were no match for the white man’s superior technology.

Meaning of Log Line

1. a line to which a ship's log is attached.

log line

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