invaginate in a sentence
Get sentences with invaginate in a sentence.
Invaginate Sentence Examples
1. With deep probing, a tumor or invaginate can be identified.
2. In New Guinea, where tradition connects woman and the serpent sexually, the female idols are invaginated by serpent-like creatures.”
3. We are currently living in conditions of “planetary civil war” and a permanent “state of emergency”, but I think that the response to this organization of power is only possible if the logic of war is turned back (invaginated) into a logic of co-creation and co-implementation.
Meaning of Invaginate
1. To fold up or enclose into a sheath-like or pouch-like structure, either naturally or as part of a surgical procedure.
2. To turn or fold inwardly.
3. To fold inward to create a hollow space where none had existed, as with a gastrula forming from a blastula.
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