inv in a sentence

Get sentences with inv in a sentence.


Inv Sentence Examples

1. With it human speech was invented!'

2. Together with two other panels (Inv.

3. A ball cup of red polished ware (Inv.

4. Inv is the amount you add to the trade

5. If Willy Wonka had been a Swiss inv...

6. CHIINV is synonymous with CHISQ.INV.RT.

7. It's an invitation event for veterans.'"

8. 'Also, the project might involve sharks.'

9. Fund of the Italian Risorgimento, non inv.

10. 'But perhaps he is an invisible gardener.'

11. "We have to disappoint 'the investigators.'

12. Alonso is constantly involved in politics.'

13. 'The model will soon receive our invitation.'

14. The bestknown copy is held at the Louvre (inv.

15. Ivory of Adalberon II, about 1000, ivory, inv.

16. He said, 'I intend to invade Persia and Rome.'

17. 10,000,000 INV will be available at this stage.

18. The first and the most important song is "inv".

19. not simply an invention of the Thought Police?'

20. It's an invisible energy with visible effects.'


Are you looking forward to learning how to use Inv in a sentence? This tool helps to understand how to use the word Invin a sentence. A great way to make sentences of Inv. Also, learn the meaning of the same word as well.

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