elecampane in a sentence

Get sentences with elecampane in a sentence.


Elecampane Sentence Examples

1. The root of elecampane 40 days insist on vodka or alcohol.

2. teaspoons of roots of elecampane fill in a thermos with 1 glass of boiling water.

3. For it is required to take elecampane root (about 50 g) and the root of valerian (40 g).

4. The roots of elecampane are used as an expectorant: 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of hot water.

5. This flavoring is probably due to a sweet substance called inulin, as replicates the sweet taste found in the roots of elecampane, which also contains this substance.

Meaning of Elecampane

1. a plant that has yellow daisy-like flowers with long slender petals and bitter aromatic roots that are used in herbal medicine, native to central Asia.


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