eleatic in a sentence
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Eleatic Sentence Examples
1. Another school was the Eleatics, Italy.
2. Being and the One are both Eleatic forms which are the same thing.
3. (The starting-point of any discussion of motion must always be Zeno's Eleatic arrow.
4. They lie neither in the way the Eleatics believed, nor as he believed--they do not lie at all.
5. But the words ‘I am’ here have a significance different from an Eleatic or Platonic significance.
6. As a student of the monist Parmenides and a member of the Eleatic school, Zeno believed time and motion to be illusions.
7. This is because they had derived from the Eleatics the conviction that an existence could not pass into non-existence, and vice versa.
8. The Eleatic School, one of the leading pre-Socratic schools of Greek philosophy, had been founded by Parmenides in Elea in southern Italy.
9. Melissus of Samos was the third and last member of the ancient school of Eleatic philosophy, whose other members included Zeno and Parmenides.
10. he is the master of the Eleatic school in whom its pure thought arrives at the movement of the Notion in itself and becomes the pure soul of science.
11. The Eleatics adhered to a pantheistic monism, in which they emphasized the immutability of one eternal unchangeable principle so as to leave no room for freedom.
12. The ancient seat of the Eleatic School, home of the philosophers Parmenides and Zeno (VI-V BC), surprises visitors to the excellent state of the site, almost intact.
13. In order to allow change to occur in the world, against the views of the Eleatics, they viewed changes as the result of mixture and separation of unalterable substances.
14. Furthermore, our land being located upon hills facing Ascea (the ancient Elea), the term is also closely linked to "Melisso", a discipule of Parmenide and the eleatic philosophy.
Meaning of Eleatic
1. an Eleatic philosopher.
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