docetism in a sentence

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Docetism Sentence Examples

1. Jesus only appeared to be human (Docetism).

2. Is not some form of docetism the only alternative?

3. Fr Martin is right to say that the Church has condemned Docetism.

4. It was Docetism which was the response to this physicalism, not the other way around.

5. Without being exhaustive, in the late first century, the error of Docetism made its mark.

6. The upsetting of the balance today is not in the direction of Docetism, but toward Ebionism.

7. Two works are against the docetism of the Gnostics, "De carne Christi" and "De resurrectione carnis".

8. According to Docetism, the eternal Son of God did not really become human or suffer on the cross; he only appeared to do so.

9. He particularly warns against docetism, and here appears an emphasis which is increasingly to characterize the school of Antioch.

10. The dominant error of the period was Docetism, and its refutation furnishes these writers with an occasion to deal at greater length with the Person of Jesus Christ.

11. Muslim’s will quote Yusuf Ali’s comment in footnote 663, as proof that the three early Christian sects of Marcion, Docetism, Basilides, denied the crucifixion of Christ.

12. The body of the work is undoubtedly Judaic, but there are many interpolations of an unmistakably Christian origin, presenting in their ensemble a fairly full Christology, but one suspected of Docetism.

13. In regard to the person of Jesus there was not only the danger of Docetism, that is, of neglecting the human; there was also the danger of stopping there, of only seeing the human in him and of not seeing the divine dimension of the Son of God.

14. Marcion was a Docetist (Docetism is a system of belief that says all spirit is good and all material matter is bad), and so Marcion excluded any book that spoke of Jesus being both divine and human, and he also edited Paul’s letters to match his own philosophy.

Meaning of Docetism

1. the doctrine, important in Gnosticism, that Christ's body was not human but either a phantasm or of real but celestial substance, and that therefore his sufferings were only apparent.


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