docent in a sentence
Get sentences with docent in a sentence.
Docent Sentence Examples
1. tags: coach docent.
2. and you're a docent here?
3. you want to be the docent.
4. he said anyone can be a docent.
5. docent will never find us there.
6. how long have you been a docent?
7. the docent asks the children if.
8. learn more about becoming a docent.
9. Now, that’s a compliment to a docent!
10. you are the worst docent i have ever seen.
11. i'm a docent there so you might even see me.
12. The youngest docent and voice of her generation
13. Most of the museum’s docents are local veterans.
14. “Mortui vivis docent – the dead teach the living.”
15. we have finished hiring the docent and the guards.
16. She’s a writer but doesn’t know what ‘docent’ means.
17. the docent also offered a great interpretation of it all.
18. Don’t hesitate to talk to Zoo volunteers, docents or staff.
19. The docents planned to show us some of our favorite pieces.
20. Docents are well-informed, and oftentimes have military backgrounds.
Meaning of Docent
1. (in certain US and European universities and colleges) a member of the teaching staff immediately below professorial rank.
2. a person who acts as a guide, typically on a voluntary basis, in a museum, art gallery, or zoo.
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