Uzbek to Luganda Translation


Common Phrases From Uzbek to Luganda

Xayr. Salomat bo'lingEeraba
Qalaysiz?Oli otya?
KechirasizNsaba kweetegula
Men ham shunday fikrdamanNze ndowooza bwentyo
Ko'rishgunchaTulabagane edda
Qayg'urmoq; o'zini ehtiyot qilmoqKuume
Nima gaplar?Kiki ekiriwo?
Hech qisi yo'qTokifaako
AlbattaTewali kubuusabuusa
HoziroqAmangu ago
Qani ketdikTugende

Interesting information about Uzbek Language

Uzbek is a special kind of talking and writing that many people use in a country called Uzbekistan. It's a bit like having a secret code that only friends in Uzbekistan know, but it's not really a secret. Imagine you have a box of crayons, and 'Uzbek' is a beautiful color that you can use to draw pictures or write messages. Just like you can learn to use new crayons, people can learn to talk and write in Uzbek. This language sounds like music to the ears of people who speak it every day. It's made up of lots of different sounds and words, and when you put them together, they can tell stories, ask questions, or say 'hello!' Learning Uzbek can be a fun adventure, like going on a treasure hunt to discover new ways to say things.

Know About Luganda Language

Luganda is a special way of talking that lots of people use in a country called Uganda, in Africa. It's like how you might chat with your friends in English or Spanish, but Luganda sounds very different. People who live in the central part of Uganda use this language a lot, so when they say "hello", they say "ki kati!" Imagine having a secret code with your friends, but instead, it's a whole language that lots of people know. Luganda is really important for these people because it helps them share stories, make jokes, ask for things they need, and learn in school. It's like a big, cozy blanket made of words that wraps around everyone who speaks it, keeping their culture nice and warm.

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