Assamese to Kinyarwanda Translation


Common Phrases From Assamese to Kinyarwanda

অনুগ্ৰহ কৰিNyamuneka
আপোনাৰ কেনে?Mumeze mute?
ক্ষমা কৰিবMbabarira
মই নাজানোSinzi
মই বুজি পাইছোঁNdabyumva
মই তেনেকৈয়ে ভাবোNdatekereza ko
আপোনাক পাছত লগ পামReba nyuma
যত্ন লওকWitondere
কি খবৰ?Bigenda bite?
কোনো কথা নাইNtuzigere ubitekereza
লগে লগেAko kanya
যাওঁReka tugende

Interesting information about Assamese Language

Assamese is a language that people speak in a part of India called Assam. It's like when you and your friends have a special way of talking to each other, but for many people, it's their main way of speaking every day. Assamese has its own sounds and words that are different from other languages. It's written in a special script, which means it has its own set of letters and symbols. Just like you learn the alphabet in English, children in Assam learn the Assamese alphabet in school. Many stories, poems, and songs are written in Assamese, and it helps people in Assam share their ideas and feelings with each other. It's a very important part of their culture and history.

Know About Kinyarwanda Language

Kinyarwanda is a language that people speak in a country called Rwanda, which is in Africa. Imagine if you had a secret club with your friends, and you all made up your own special way to talk to each other. Kinyarwanda is like that special way of talking, but for millions of people who live in Rwanda. They use it to say "hello," to tell stories, to buy things at the market, and to learn in school. It's a really important part of their everyday life. Just like we have the alphabet with letters like A, B, C, Kinyarwanda has its own sounds and rules that make it unique. People who grow up in Rwanda learn it from when they are very little kids, and they use it all the time to talk to their families and friends.

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