waianae in a sentence

Get sentences with waianae in a sentence.


Waianae Sentence Examples

1. He was last seen in Waianae, Oahu, at a bus headed for the stairs.

2. He graduated from Waianae High School in 2010, where he began to learn kickboxing.

3. Hawai’i Literacy’s bookmobile visits housing projects and the Boys and Girls Clubs on the Waianae Coast.

4. the geochemical and age data, along with geological observations and geophysical data confirmed that ka'ena was not part of waianae, but rather was an earlier volcanic edifice;

5. we previously knew that they formed by partial melting of the crust beneath wai'anae, but we didn't understand why they have the isotopic composition that they do,” said sinton” now, we realize that the deep crust that melted under waianae is actually part of the earlier ka'ena volcano.”.


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