timaeus in a sentence

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Timaeus Sentence Examples

1. He rejected the Aristotelian exegesis of the Timaeus and,

2. Available English translations of Plato's Timaeus and Critias:

3. It is the Mormons who follow Plato's character Timaeus, who asserted:

4. To this end, Lorin Timaeus holds lectures and a workshop for teachers.

5. (19b) TIMAEUS Certainly not: this is precisely what was said, Socrates.

6. Not only does it contain islands with an adjacent continent (see Timaeus 24e).

7. The word bar is often found in the New Testament in composition, as Bar-timaeus.

8. Plato argued in Timaeus that, to execute a good work, one must contemplate an eternal model.

9. Its goodness is its actual cause—its purpose, telos or "reason for which" (Timaeus 27d8–29a).

10. It was first mentioned in the dialogues “Critias” and “Timaeus” of the Greek philosopher Plato.

11. Order and beauty in arithmetical, geometrical form and proportion (Platon Timaeus 33A and 30D).

12. Needless to say the Atlas Mountains were part of the Atlantean sphere of influence (Timaeus 25a-b).

13. notion that this is so "amorphous" (it is characterized precisely in Timaeus), but at the same time

14. On the other hand, as even Polybius admits, Timaeus consulted all available authorities and records.

15. In the Timaeus dialogue, Plato did not mention any precise date when Atlantis was supposed to exist.

16. Plato Timaeus - Part Two: A creative Traveling through the Dialectical Understanding of the Time DIA Space

17. All things therefore being (as Moses and Timaeus witness) already finished, at last He thought of creating man.

18. Plato wrote Timaeus and Critias in his old age, not a time when a highly respected person normally resorts to lying.

19. For it is easier, Timaeus, to appear to speak satisfactorily to men about the gods, (107b) than to us about mortals.

20. If Atlantis did once exist, and it really was of the immense size proposed in the Timaeus, there is no better solution.


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