sugar candy in a sentence

Get sentences with sugar candy in a sentence.


Sugar Candy Sentence Examples

1. The final texture of sugar candy depends primarily on the sugar concentration.

2. The sweetness of a piece of sugar candy lies inside the sugar itself, not outside.

3. To keep them quiet and still for the nativity ceremony, he gave them a long, white, sugar candy stick.

4. Krishna's girlfriends, the female cowherds of Vrindavan, are representative of this highest level of love, which is compared with sugar candy!"

5. Religion, in Marx’s understanding, promises people a “sugar candy mountain” using the phrase of George O’well in his classical satirical novel “The Animal Farm”.

sugar candy

Are you looking forward to learning how to use Sugar Candy in a sentence? This tool helps to understand how to use the word Sugar Candyin a sentence. A great way to make sentences of Sugar Candy. Also, learn the meaning of the same word as well.

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