pan in a sentence
Get sentences with pan in a sentence.
Pan Sentence Examples
1. pan-African
2. peter pan 's.
3. pan-fried trout
4. not my good pan!
5. in a pan heat oil,
6. we just… pan it out.
7. pan, horizontal 340.
8. pan card for minors.
9. (mm)(i) of pans type.
10. a non-stick frying pan
11. a plastic pan scrubber
12. apply for new pan card.
13. enamel skillet and pan.
14. please enter pan number.
15. none of that panned out.
16. pan number is mandatory.
17. round pan waxed finished.
18. kate spade frying pan set.
19. linking of pan and aadhar.
20. a heavy-bottomed copper pan
Meaning of Pan
1. criticize severely.
2. wash gravel in a pan to separate out (gold).
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