necrotizing fasciitis in a sentence
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Necrotizing Fasciitis Sentence Examples
1. necrotizing fasciitis, a serious flesh-eating disease.
2. (This man's necrotizing fasciitis caused him to lose much of his penis.)
3. Necrotizing fasciitis spreads quickly and aggressively in an infected person.
4. While frightening, only a handful of necrotizing fasciitis cases has been reported.
5. Cellulitis surgery is necessary whenever signs of necrotizing fasciitis are present.
6. Woman Needed Arms, Legs Amputated After Giving Birth: What Is Necrotizing Fasciitis?
7. Necrotizing fasciitis can be caused by any one of a number of bacterium, said Bromberg.
8. But developing necrotizing fasciitis during or after pregnancy is still relatively rare.
9. You can develop necrotizing fasciitis even if you’re perfectly healthy, but this is rare.
10. Even with treatment, up to 1 in 3 people with necrotizing fasciitis die from the infection.”
11. “On the severe end, you can get sepsis – a bloodstream infection – and necrotizing fasciitis.”
12. But during the summers of 2017 and 2018, they saw five V. vulnificus necrotizing fasciitis infections.
13. (Air gets under the tissues because some species of bacteria that cause necrotizing fasciitis produce gas.)
14. Other: <1% - worsening of the course of infectious processes (including the development of necrotizing fasciitis).
15. Paulis said she doesn't know why the patient developed necrotizing fasciitis when he had no other risks factors for it.
16. It can cause the devastating flesh-eating disease necrotizing fasciitis, too, which kills about one quarter of its victims.
17. Many investigators elect not to use this typing system and simply identify the organism(s) causing the necrotizing fasciitis.
18. The bacteria can spread quickly once inside the body, and symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis can start within hours of an injury.
19. The bacteria can spread quickly once they enter the body, and symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis can start within hours of an injury.
20. Up until very recently, necrotizing fasciitis infections have been associated with warmer beach destinations such as those of South Florida.
Meaning of Necrotizing Fasciitis
1. an acute disease in which inflammation of the fasciae of muscles or other organs results in rapid destruction of overlying tissues.
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