necessitate in a sentence
Get sentences with necessitate in a sentence.
Necessitate Sentence Examples
1. an Armenian alphabet was necessitated.
2. That necessitated the additional round.
3. or necessitate costly rescue operations.
4. “Every technology necessitates a new war”
5. thus further protection was necessitated.
6. a cut which necessitated eighteen stitches
7. 5 reasons that may necessitate an increase
8. This necessitates a second production site.
9. that necessitated a change of school colors.
10. Existence of evil necessitates God's action.
11. The coups failure necessitates a new policy.
12. But not every problem necessitates a new law.
13. This might necessitate a very early departure.
14. and then events necessitated a change of plan.
15. “Every new technology necessitates a new war.”
16. Our action is necessitated as is our thinking.'
17. Cointelegraph: What necessitated your campaign?
18. Applying the concept necessitates attention too.
19. Limited police capacity necessitates new approach
20. A new era necessitates a re-evaluation of reality.
Meaning of Necessitate
1. make (something) necessary as a result or consequence.
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