muktar in a sentence
Get sentences with muktar in a sentence.
Muktar Sentence Examples
1. "I could tell you many such stories," said the Muktar.
2. Our leader died a hero like Omar Muktar, in my opinion, and history will prove this someday.”
3. They believed that the phrase ''not seeing you anymore'' indicated that Muktar al-Bakri was a suicide bomber.
4. I need to forget about what I’ve achieved and what I’ve done,” said the 34-year-old, whose full name is Sir Mohamed Muktar Jama Farah.
5. You and I have spoken about Omar Muktar and our defeat of the Italians that cost us more than one-third of our relatives who fell in battle.
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Are you looking forward to learning how to use Muktar in a sentence? This tool helps to understand how to use the word Muktarin a sentence. A great way to make sentences of Muktar. Also, learn the meaning of the same word as well.