molars in a sentence

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Molars Sentence Examples

1. the buccal side of the molars

2. molars(back teeth)- 12-16 months.

3. first molars: 13-19 months of age.

4. second molars: 22-24 months of age.

5. second molars: from 12 to 13.5 years;

6. - molars (third molars): after 18 years.

7. so right side, molars, up and down hurt.

8. 4 first molars (also called 6-year molars)

9. Lack of molars (M3 not taken into account).

10. "Drum": Wooden cover that covers the molars.

11. incisors, canines, premolars and molars are:.

12. Missing molars or pre-molars are serious faults.

13. Xylitol has a positive effect on teeth and molars.

14. The molars 3 (M3) are not taken into consideration.

15. Also, the "Mexicans" do not have premolars - molars.

16. 2 million years – very large molars, bones and skull.

17. These crowded third molars become trapped (impacted).

18. Absence of more than two molars or more than 3 premolars.

19. As for large molars, their number is similar to small ones.

20. They have only 28 teeth, as they lack a back pair of molars.

Meaning of Molars

1. a grinding tooth at the back of a mammal's mouth.


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